Senior Class Notes 2007 to 2009

Guyana Heritiage Museum 2007

Senior Class Notes was a newsletter featuring stories from the ‘Senior’ old students.

April 2007

“World of Computers, Here I Come!
A group of alumna embarked on a journey in the computer room of the Bishops’ High School on the morning of Tuesday, April 3, 2007 with Terry Stuart at the helm. The group of 10 explored computer terms, played with buttons and sailed into the world of email. They came with varying levels of knowledge of and experience with the computer. By the end of the first morning, everyone had an email address and the newbies sent their first message off into
cyberspace. Buoyed by the enthusiasm of the future computer whizzes, Terry has arranged to continue tutelage beyond the Easter vacation period. She will continue sailing along with her crew on Tuesday afternoons from 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm, thanks to the support of the Headteacher, Ms. Elizabeth Isaacs-Walcott.

July 2007

The SCN of July 2007 has the Reflections on the Visit to the Guyana Heritage Museum by Eileen Robinson

October 2007

A September to remember…

January 2008

This edition of the Senior Class Notes contains an article from Joy O Jon about the December 2007 Carol Singing

April 2008

The April 2008 edition of the Senior Class Notes has a report of the outing to Prairie on the East Bank and photographs of that trip.

July 2008

This edition of the Senior Class Notes has a review of the Senior Interaction 2008

October 2008
Review of the Toronto Reunion and the September Tea Party

January 2009
A tribute to Agnes Jones written by Janice Jackson
Notes from the 2008 Christmas Party

April 2009
Megan Anderson’s poetic review of the Eastbound Outing : Traversing the Berbice River Bridge

July 2009

This edition of Senior Class Notes has a report of the seniors interaction with students of the school, birthday news and other updates

October 2009

This edition of Senior Class Notes features a review of September Affair and other Senior news.

About the Author

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