Senior Class Notes 2010 to 2012

Senior Class Notes October 2013

Senior Class Notes was a newsletter published by the Seniors’ Committee.

January 2010

This edition has a review of the Christmas 2009 event and other bits and pieces.

April 2010

This edition of the Senior Class Notes was produced by Janice Jackson. It features a report by Leila Too-Kong
of the visit to the Forestry Training Centre at Yarrowkabra, Soesdyke-Linden Highway

July 2010

This edition was produced by Janice Jackson and includes Mella Dorset-Sutherland’s review of the visit to Castellani House

October 2010

In this edition, Yvonne Harewood Benn reviews the September Affair

January 2011

This is the January 2011 edition of Senior Class Notes. It contains the birthday list, and a review of the activities in December 2010

April 2011

This edition contains a review of the visit to Canal No 1 polder and other items

July 2011

This edition of the Senior Class Notes includes a review of the interaction with Form One students.

October 2011

In this edition of the Senior Class Notes, Waveney Dalgety Payne reviews the Lamaha Gardens Gathering and we learn of some choice insults.

January 2012

The January 2012 edition of Senior Class Notes includes ‘Reflections of Christmas 2011’ by Joyce Sinclair

April 2012

This edition includes a review of the outing to Linden.

July 2012

Senior Class Notes Vol 6 Number 2 July 2012 contains a review of the concert organised by the school on Wednesday 4 July, 2012.

October 2012

This edition has a review of the September Affair by Jannice Simmons

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