Report of the 2013 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting for The Bishops’ High School Old Students’ Association was held two Saturdays ago on November 23, 2013
. The Executive would like to heartily thank all those who made a special effort to attend – the turnout was good, and we were fortunate to have alumni from all age groups present.

As is norm, a new Executive for the school’s year was elected and to ensure that members abroad are aware of the developments, please see below for a complete list of the current BHSOSA Executive:

PRESIDENT: Lowell Gibson
VICE PRESIDENT: Andrew Kendall
TREASURER: Rashad Bakker
SECRETARY: Lauren Selman
Alethea Puranram
John Michael Ramsingh

Thanks to Ms. Roxane George for assisting with the elections.

And, in a non elective position of IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: Sadie Amin

Further information from matters arising from the AGM and the new executives plans for the upcoming year will be circulated at a subsequent time.

But a few immediate issues at the current time: Anyone willing and able to assist Ms. Margaret Lawrence with ideas and suggestions for the Guyana cultural aspect of the Reunion kindly
make contact with her at maggiel_gt (at)

Also, the School Feeding Programme continues to be in need of your donations, the cost for feeding one child for the entire academic year amounts to $100,000.00. 24 children are currently being fed on three days a week and the waiting list is in excess of 40. If is willing to contribute funds for this venture kindly contact any of the Executive Members listed above or Ms Hazel Friday-Burrowes

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